Laws and Rules Governing
As adopted by the by the 1st WAFF General Assembly in Niteroi, Brazil, August, 2005;
and as amended by Acts of the Federation Congress.
Table of Contents:
Law 1 The Field of Play, Dimensions and Markings
Law 2 The Ball and Goals
Law 3 Players – Number on Roster & Qualifications
Law 4 Player Equipment
Law 5 Referees
Law 6 Duration of the Match
Law 7 The Start and restart of Play, Corner and Penalty Kicks
Law 8 Offsides
Law 9 Fouls and Misconduct
Law 10 Keeper Red card
Law 11 Referee Safety
World Amputee Football Federation
Laws and Rules Governing
Amputee Football Play and Players
This Federation recognizes and abides by the FIFA Laws of Association Football with the following amendments for Amputee footballers:
LAW (1) The Field of Play
1.1 Pitch Surface - The game shall be played on grass or on a suitable all weather surface as prescribed by the WAFF. Matches may also be held indoors.
1.2 Boundaries of the Pitch – See the diagram on Page 7.
1.2.1 The field of play must be rectangular and marked with lines. The length of the pitch will always exceed the width.
1.2.2 Lines marking the field of play shall not exceed 12 cm in width.
1.2.3 The two longer boundary lines are called touch lines. The touch lines are parallel and are equal in length.
1.2.4 The two shorter lines are called goal lines. The two goal lines are equal in length, parallel, and are joined at a right angle to the ends of the touch lines.
1.2.5 The outdoor pitch will measure 60 meters long by 40 meters wide, plus or minus 5 meters
depending on local venues.
1.2.6 The field of play is divided into two equal halves by a line marked across the field which joins the midpoints of the two touch lines.
1.2.7 The center mark is indicated at the midpoint of the halfway line. A circle with a radius of 6 meters is marked around it.
1.3 Goal Area –See diagram on Page 7
A rectangular goal area will be marked at each end of the field. The goal area will be 10 meters wide X 8 meters deep, set equidistant between the touch lines.
The goal area will be marked by two parallel lines, beginning at and at each at right angles to the goal line, 2.5 meters from the inside edge of each goalpost. These lines will extend into the field of play for a distance of 8 meters, and are joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line. The area bounded by these lines and the goal line is the goal area.
1.4 The Penalty Mark – A mark denoting the point at which a penalty shot will be taken will be placed equidistant between the touch lines and 8 meters infield from the goal line.
1.5 Flagposts – A flagpost, not less than 1.5 meters high, with a non-pointed top and a flag must be placed at each corner of the playing area. Flagposts may also be placed at each end of the halfway line, off the field of play not less than 1 meter outside the touch line.
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1.6 Corner Arc - In each corner of the pitch an arced line 1.5 meters in from the corner post will be marked joining the touch line and the goal line.
1.7 Encroachment Mark – Marks may be made off the field of play, 6 meters from the corner arc and at right angles to the adjacent goal lines and the touch lines, to ensure that defending players retreat this distance when a corner kick is being taken.
LAW (2) Goals and Ball
2.1 The Ball - The ball is spherical, made of leather or other suitable material. It will be the standard FIFA size 5 for adult play and can be of the all-weather type.
2.2 Goals - The goals will be of a suitable type and style agreed by the Federation, being 2.2 meters high and 5 meters wide. All goals must be anchored to the ground for the safety of all players. The safety of the players MUST be the first consideration both before and during the same.
LAW (3) Number and Qualification of Players
3.1 Roster Size - Teams participating in international tournaments and competitions may roster a maximum of fifteen (15) players, including a goalkeeper and a reserve goalkeeper. Both the goalkeeper and reserve goalkeeper are required.
Only 12 players may be dressed for any match.
3.2 All teams entering international tournaments and competitions must have a reserve goalkeeper. A match may not begin if either team has fewer than 5 outfielders and goalkeeper, and a reserve goalkeeper.
3.3 Minimum Age – Each player on a team’s roster must be at least sixteen (16) years old prior to the end of the specific competition in which they play.
3.4 Physical Qualification
3.4.1 Each player must be an Amputee or Les Autres.
3.4.2 An Amputee is defined as one who is without a lower limb at or above the ankle, or who is without an upper limb at or above the wrist.
3.4.3 "Les Autres" is defined as one may not be clinically an amputee, but who may possess a birth defect affecting a limb, or who may possesses an entire limb but said limb has no meaningful function.
3.4.4 Only leg amputees and leg Les Autres may play as outfielders. Goal keepers may have may have 2 legs, but must be an arm amputee or have an arm Les Autres deficiency.
3.4.5 No team may field more than 2 Les Autres players at any time during the game. All Les Autres players must be identified to opposing coaching staffs and to game officials prior to the start of play.
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3.5 Use of the Residual Limb
3.5.1 Neither field players nor goal keepers may use the deficient limb to control or direct the ball.
3.5.2 A Goalkeeper’s inactive arm (residual limb), if any, must be kept inside the body of the jersey.
3.5.3 A residual limb of 6” or greater length must be bound to the torso with athletic tape, elastic bandage, or other means approved prior to the match by the competition officials and/or referee.
3.5.4 The jersey sleeve of the residual limb must be tucked inside the jersey. No exceptions.
3.6 Team Composition & Substitutions
3.6.1 The game will be played by two teams each consisting of not more than 7 players per side, one of whom must be the goalkeeper. A match may not begin if either team has fewer than 5 field players, a goalkeeper, and a reserve goalkeeper.
3.6.2 Each team may name 5 substitutes, one of whom must be a goalkeeper. A maximum of 2 substitutes may enter the game at any one time.
3.6.3 Substitutions may be made only at a stoppage of play and only with the referee’s permission.
3.6.4 All substituted players will be allowed to return to the game to replace any player on the field of play.
3.6.5 When a goalkeeper is dismissed (Red Card) by the referee, the goalkeeper must leave the field of play. The dismissed goalkeeper is replaced by a reserve goalkeeper, and his team’s number of field players reduced by one for the remainder of the match. The departing field player may reenter as a substitute.
LAW (4) Player Equipment
4.1 - Prosthetics
4.1.1 All artificial limbs must be removed prior to the start of play. Prosthetics are not allowed on the playing field.
4.1.2 Exception to the above: In cases where both of a team’s goalkeepers are injured or unavailable, a field player, wearing prosthesis, may serve as goal keeper, but must pay with one arm inside his jersey according to goalkeeper rules.
4.2 Crutches
4.2.1 Player equipment will in all aspects reflect FIFA laws with the exception being crutches. These must be of the forearm type and must be constructed of metal, plastic composite, carbon fiber, or other approved material that doesn’t splinter or otherwise present a danger to any participant.
Underarm crutches are not permitted in international play. Exception: An underarm type crutch meeting all other criteria herein is permitted when a field player has a leg amputation or Les Autres deficiency and an arm amputation or Les Autres arm deficiency.
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4.2.2 Before a player enters the field of play wing nuts, bolts fittings and metal wrist supports must be all covered and taped. Players' crutches must be well maintained. Rubber tips replaced when worn.
4.2.3 In all competitions crutches must be identified with tape in the team's sock colors, 40 cm up from the crutch base. Adhered plastic tubing of a color matching the team’s sock color may be used in lieu of tape, subject to the approval of the competition officials and/or referee.
* Team management must have alternative tape colors available to match uniform color changes as the need arises. Alternatively, safely secured lightweight plastic tubing may be considered.
4.3 Shin Guards – Shin guard(s) required for field player’s functioning leg, and also for the non functional leg of full leg Les Autres players.
4.4 Socks – The socks of all field players on a team much match in color and design.
4.4 Residual Limb Identification - Players who are below the knee Amputees and lower limb Les Autres must wear the team's sock color on the residual limb. It is also recommended that all leg Amputees wear stump protectors for their own safety.
4.5 Goalkeeper Uniform - Goalkeepers may wear track suit bottoms and a keeper’s glove if they wish.
5.1 Matches are officiated by either one or two referees employing a two man system. The senior referee is the team liaison and is responsible for substitutions, the administration of the technical area, and the match report.
5.2 International matches and tournaments are officiated by three referees employing a two man system, whereby the Third Official is responsible for substitutions, the administration of the technical area, and match report.
6.1 The match will be played in two equal periods of 25 minutes each. Play may be suspended for "time-outs" of one per team per half. Time-outs shall not exceed one (1) minute. The half time interval shall not exceed 10 minutes.
6.2 In extra time where 10 minutes each way is being played, again (1) one time-out per team per period will be allowed.
At half time in extended play, both teams will change ends immediately and without delay.
7.1 The opening of the match, the start after half-time and extra time; and the restart after a goal shall be conducted according to standard FIFA procedure.
7.2 The throw-in is replaced by a Kick-In (Indirect Free Kick) from the place where the ball completely crossed the touch line leaving the field of play. The kick-in is taken by an opponent of the last player to touch or play the ball before it crossed the touch line.
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7.3 The Goal Kick: The ball will be placed motionless on the ground and kicked into play from within the goal area boundaries. The ball will not be in play until the whole of it has crossed the goal area line. If it is played by any player before it is in play then the goal kick must be re-taken.
The goalkeeper or one of his team can take a goal kick. The ball need only be inside the goal area lines.
7.4 Kicking the ball across the centerline from the Goal Kick is prohibited.
7.5 When an indirect free kick (IFK) is awarded to the attacking team inside the opponent's goal area, the ball will be placed on the boundary of the goal area, on the line parallel to the goal line, directly in front of the location of the offense.
7.6 Inside then field of play, players defending any direct or indirect free kicks must remain six (6) meters away from the ball at all times.
7.7 The corner kick is a direct free kick (DFK). The ball must be placed motionless on the ground within the corner arc. The ball is in play once it is kicked and moves.
7.8 Penalty Kicks - A penalty kick will be taken from the penalty mark. Until the ball is kicked and moves forward, the goalkeeper must have both feet upon the goal line between the goal posts, and all players other than the kicker must respect the distance, being at least six (6) meters from and behind the ball and on the field of play.
LAW (8) OFF-SIDES -- The offside rule does not apply.
9.1.1 Crutches are considered extensions of the arms. They are subject to a handling violation if in the opinion of the referee a crutch is intentionally used in an attempt to control or direct the ball. The restart is a direct free kick (DFK).
9.1.2 If crutches are used by a defender to control or direct the ball inside their own penalty area, the attacking side will be awarded a penalty kick (PK).
9.1.3 If crutches are used to control or direct the ball by an attacking player inside the penalty area a direct free kick will be awarded to the defending side and will be taken from anywhere inside the goal area.
9.2.1 Residual limbs may not be used to control or direct the ball. The restart is a direct free kick (DFK).
9.2.2 If the offense is committed by a defender within their own goal area, the attacking side will be awarded a penalty kick (PK).
9.2.3 Only if the referee rules that obvious goal scoring opportunity is denied will the goalkeeper or an outfielder be sent off for using the residual limb in the arm or leg stumps in the goal area.
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9.3.1 Sliding tackles are not permitted. An offense will be penalized by a direct free kick awarded against them and their team. The offending player will be cautioned.
9.2 The goalkeeper is allowed to dive to the ground with arm and legs extended to defend his goal. Sliding with both feet first toward the opponent is not permitted.
9.3 Should an outfield player slip or fall to the ground and the ball touches or is played with any part of the body or crutches, then an indirect free kick (IFK) will be awarded to the opponents.
9.4 KEEPER ENDANGERMENT - When the goalkeeper has his hand on the ball and the ball is on the ground, players must not attempt to play or kick the ball. That is considered dangerous play. The restart is an indirect free kick (IFK) for the defense.
9.5.1 Goalkeepers shall remain within the goal area.
9.5.2 The first incident of a goalkeeper actively defending the goal, playing the ball, obstructing an opponent, or otherwise engaging in active play outside the goal area is at a minimum a cautionable (Yellow Card) offense, and possibly a send-off (Red Card) offense for Denying an Obvious Goal Scoring Opportunity (reference FIFA Law 12). The opposing team will be awarded a direct free kick (DFK) at the location of the offense.
9.5.3 The second incident of a goalkeeper actively defending the goal, playing the ball, obstructing an opponent, or otherwise engaging in active play outside the goal area is a red card offense. The keeper will be sent off and the opposing team will be awarded a direct free kick (DFK) at the point of the offense.
9.5.4 Inadvertent, incidental or inconsequential departures from the goal area by a goalkeeper, such as through momentum, release of possession by foot (punt, parry, drop kick), etc. are not penalized.
LAW (10) KEEPER RED CARD - If a goalkeeper is sent off by the referee, the goalkeeper and a nominated field player must leave the field of play. The goalkeeper will be replaced by the reserve goalkeeper.
LAW (11) REFEREE SAFETY - In addition to the red card, WAFF statutes also require a minimum two-year expulsion from WAFF sanctioned competitions of any player, coach or staff member intentionally striking a referee or other game official, and the placement of the Association to which the offending player belongs on probation until such time as that Association demonstrates efforts to assure referee safety.
Laws of Amputee Football
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